Pet owners want their pets to stay healthy, happy and active as long as possible and they are ready to do whatever possible for that all is that, they need proper guidance to do so.

Consider the given list of things to do for keeping your pet healthy.

Keep your pet hydrated: If you see symptoms such as panting, dry mouth and loss of elasticity of skin means that the pet is suffering from dehydration. Minerals such as sodium and potassium are necessary for pet, speak to a vet and ask for electrolytes’ to get quick treatment. It is necessary to give them water time to time. Place a water bowl in their cage and places where they spend lots of their time.

Clean the fur: Most of the diseases that occur in pets are from parasites which lead to further skin infections and to minimize that owners need to keep watch on fur. To do that, cleaning and grooming the pet’s fur is a must. Keep watching for parasites such as fleas and ticks; use a fine toothed flea comb to drag out them. Use herbal shampoos to clean and soften the fur. Also watch for bald patches on the fur.

Eliminate fleas: If you encounter even a single flea on your pooch, it has to be destroyed so that it should not create flea menace. Freedom Tick and Flea Spray- 225Ml and Bayer Advantix For Dogs Over 25kg for dogs and cats are trusted flea medications to go for and are available at IndianPetStore.

Buy dog cage: Yes it is a very much essential pet care thing that every owner should buy for their pet. Dog cage not only protects pet but also help them to take a rest and get relaxed from their worries and stress ultimately gives them the energy to be active throughout the day.

Prevention is a key to the health of pets, if you think that your pet might be vulnerable to a particular disease or infections start carrying them. Speak to a veterinarian and ask for proper guidance and precautions to take this will help your pet stay healthy for long.

Provide all the necessary pet accessories required to give better life to pets visit online pet shop IndianPetStore and set all your pets’ worries aside.


Dog Health can be Improved with your Lifestyle Changes

Yes, this is true. A latest survey revealed that people with pets live longer and they have fewer health problems such as stress, heart problems. This study also revealed that our lifestyle changes might affect dog health.  If you follow good lifestyle, dog health will be optimum but if you are following wrong lifestyle, dog health may decline. 


Smoking is a bad habit that affects badly health. Smoking has many health risks. Passive smoking or second hand smoking will affect dog health also. The dog can ingest cigarette ash; this might also lead to cancer. The smoke of cigarette can also be dangerous. Try to avoid smoking, this will keep the dog away from cancer risk.  

Safe Travelling: 

Safe travelling practice will keep you and your dog safe. Use dog harness and dog crates while travelling with your dog. Keep dog safety in mind and make necessary changes.  


Exercising with your dog will help you to maintain your health. However, if you are too busy and do not have time to exercise, it will put the dog at risk of health conditions such as obesity, heart problems. Therefore, to improve your health’s as well as dog health keep doing exercise such as running, walking, jumping with the dog. 


Feeding your dog when not hungry can lead to obesity and other health problems. If you are giving treats to your dog frequently then reduce meal quantity otherwise it may lead to weight gain. Keep feeding your dog at a specific time only, this will help to maintain ideal weight and good health status. 


Keeping your home clean and hygienic will keep your dog healthy. Always keep dog house, dog bed, dog cage, dog crate and all dog accessories clean. Wash them frequently. The dog never likes to live in unhygienic condition so to make them happy and healthy keep cleanliness at home. 

These all lifestyle changes will improve your health as well as your dog health also, so keep following them. 

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